Crime Stoppers operates on a three-part approach to solve crimes. We rely on cooperation between the police, the media, and the community to provide a flow of information about crime and criminals.


The community provides the board members who establish policy, determine reward amounts, and seeks funding for the rewards. Board members must also work closely with law enforcement and the media. All board members must pass a background check and attend annual training.


Crime Stoppers is promoted on a regular basis through various outlets including print, broadcast, web, and social media. Through a partnership with local law enforcement, Crime Stoppers alerts citizens on crime trends and informs the public on personal and public safety issues.

Law Enforcement

The Copperas Cove Police Department provides a police coordinator who is responsible for getting the tips to the right investigators, following up on tips, reporting to the board, acting as the public spokesman for the program, and maintaining records for the program.


Anyone can submit a tip anonymously by calling the Crime Stoppers tips line at 1-254-547-1111. When tipsters call, they will talk to a third-party answering service which will assign a random confirmation number. This number may be used to collect a reward if the information leads to an arrest. Please do not hang up before we give you your number. We CANNOT trace your call!

All calls remain anonymous and confidential.

Call 1-254-547-1111

Submitting a tip online is completely secure and anonymous and is an efficient means of safely communicating with us. Our web tip process is powered by P3 Tips, the world’s leading online tip provider solution.

Submit a Tip Online

The very unique integrated Two-Way Dialog capabilities allow the tipster to come back and provide additional information to their tip at any time, but also provides a secure means for the coordinator to ask questions or provide reward information back to the tipster through the same secure and encrypted interface.

Tip Follow-Up

Now you can submit anonymous tips from our free and secure mobile app.  Search your App Store for “P3 Tips” or click the appropriate link below.



Crime Stoppers Programs are organized as not for profit organizations (Charities). A civilian community board of directors provides oversees the financial and promotional activities of the program. The board of directors enhances the community involvement aspect, and its function is vital to the program’s success.

The Crime Stoppers program is funded by private donations and fund raising. NO TAX DOLLARS are involved. Some funds are available through state-level grants for administrative costs; however, the reward money paid out by the program comes through the fund raising and donations from concerned citizens and businesses.

A community board of directors, made up of individuals from the surrounding area, meets on a monthly basis to evaluate arrests and to decide on the size of rewards to be paid. Rewards are then distributed in a private manner to the callers. Callers are eligible for rewards, but, despite this, many callers choose not to collect their rewards.


The answer is quite simply yes. With programs in England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Asia, Crime Stoppers is truly international with many calls received resulting in thousands of arrests and recovery of substantial amounts of property. Calls have included information about murder, robbery, rape, assaults, drugs, and firearm offenses.

The success of a Crime Stoppers program cannot be purely judged on statistics; however, other benefits have come to notice:

  • A greater awareness in the community that there is a crime problem.
  • A willingness by the community to fight back against crime if it is given the opportunity and motivation.
  • Improved relationships between police, media, and the community.

Crime Stoppers is definitely here to stay. It has been accepted by police as a valid and effective investigative tool. Through its overwhelming response, the public appears to have accepted it as a more attractive and convenient alternative to traditional methods of giving information.